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Patty Jenkins (2020)



Expectations were fairly low for Wonder Woman 1984 and it still manages to let its audience down, yet another sub-par superhero film. The only saving grace here is that Wonder Woman, played expertly by Gal Gadot, actually gets to save the day this time. However, this fails to  atone for the downfalls of the flick.

The year 1992 brought us a well loved, female, superhero/villain based off of a cat. Michelle Pfieffer’s Selina was a flustered ‘geeky’ type, overlooked and put down by her male colleagues. After a meeting with the titular superhero, she alters, becomes more confident, sexy and transforms into the Catwoman. Wonder Woman 1984 offers us literally the exact same character arc, here played, admittedly very well, by Kristen Wiig as The Cheetah. This complete lack of originality shows a disrespect for the film’s audience, an audience that are typically hyper aware of the back stories and past representations of their favourite caped crusaders. DC, did you really think we wouldn’t notice?

Being set in 1984 serves no purpose other than to pander to the current resurgence of ‘80s nostalgia. Frankly, they are becoming tiresome. This is epitomised with Chris Pine’s character, Steve, who magically returns from the dead for the sole purpose of showcasing ‘80s fashion. Watching Diana explain exercise bikes and bum bags to him is as interesting as it sounds.

The most disappointing aspect about both this film and its predecessor is that there is an enthralling story line in here somewhere, and this lies with the Amazonians. The best part of both films is the opening, the cinematic exploration of Amazonia. A film set here would stand head and shoulders above the Wonder Woman outings we have, thus far, been subjected to.

This flop can be summed up by its nod to the Wonder Woman of the ‘70s. This comes in the form of a cheeky Lynda Carter Cameo, but this is at the very end of the film. It comes across as a complete afterthought, disjointed from the film proper. Despite its extended production time, Wonder Woman 1984 is an exposition of the lack of originality that is the current superhero film. Were you expecting much different?


